Year of Production
Country of Production
Belgium, France
Running Time
98 min
in French with English subtitles

Romain Duris - Laure Calamy - Laetitia Dosch - Lucie Debay - Basile Grunberger - Lena Girard Voss - Dominique Valadié

Nos batailles
Our Struggles
Guillaume Senez

Olivier does the best he can to fight injustice at work. But from one day to the next, when his wife Laura abandons the family home, he is left alone to juggle between the children’s needs, life’s daily challenges and his job. Faced with these new responsibilities, he struggles to find a balance. Because Laura’s not coming back.


Olivier se démène au sein de son entreprise pour combattre les injustices. Mais du jour au lendemain quand Laura, sa femme, quitte le domicile, il lui faut concilier éducation des enfants, vie de famille et activité professionnelle. Face à ses nouvelles responsabilités, il bataille pour trouver un nouvel équilibre, car Laura ne revient pas.

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