Year of Production
Country of Production
Running Time
20 min
in Portuguese with French subtitles

Manuel Lourenço - Beatriz Luís - Marcelo Tavares - Carolina Caramujo - Nena Coimbra

Amor, Avenidas Novas
Duarte Coimbra

Manel idealizes love, inspired by his parents' relationship. Out of compassion, he hands over his double mattress to Nicolau. On the way back he invades a film set where a group of young women count among the film crew. One of them is Rita. The encounter has a profound effect on Manel who sinks into a magical feeling of passion.


Manel tire sa conception idéalisée de l’amour de la relation de ses parents. Par compassion, il donne son matelas deux places à Nicolau. Il fait ensuite irruption sur un tournage où il tombe sur un groupe de femmes parmi l’équipe technique, dont Rita. Cette rencontre avec elle a un effet profond sur Manel, soudain submergé par un sentiment de passion surnaturelle.

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