Year of Production
Country of Production
Running Time
20 min
in Russian with French subtitles

Eduard Kashporov - Elizaveta Shakhova - Leonid Klets - Svetlana Nikiforova - Sergey Kornyushin - Maksim Kaluzhskikh

Ya Normalniy
Michael Borodin

Sasha is a school leaver from a small town. He pretends to be an ordinary bully in the company of his classmates not to be bullied himself and to have the opportunity to see Lisa. At home Sasha is a greedy for knowledge guy. He dreams of leaving his small town but several barriers stand in his way.


Sasha a abandonné l’école dans sa petite ville. En présence de ses amis, il joue les brutes pour se fondre dans la masse et côtoyer Lisa. Chez lui, Sacha a soif de connaissances. Il rêve de partir mais plusieurs obstacles se dressent sur son chemin.

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